Monday 26 March 2012

Philosophical Monday: Judgements

God graces each and every soul with gifts.  Some may refer to these as talents, abilities, qualities.  You may be able to run fast, have a generous spirit, sew, be patient, cook, listen.  You get the idea.  But with these gifts, God also gives us things that we as individuals need to work at, concentrate on, and invest time in.  Challenges.  I certainly am one to acknowledge the daily challenges that I have in my life.  Things that I try and bring into focus-in to my consciousness. 

What I am left pondering though, is not the gifts and the challenges that we are given, but the lack of acceptance of this basic philosophy resulting in judgment.  As children are we not taught to love one another despite differences?  I could not tell you the amount of times my mother said to me “treat others the way you want to be treated” and “don’t say anything about someone that you wouldn’t say to them in person”.  And yet here I am – mid twenties and still surrounded by individuals, many of whom much older than me; judging.  Individuals who I, unpretentiously assumed would have now – based on age alone - learnt such lessons.  Instead I find these same people making rash comments, statements and branding labels upon people as if they were simply indispensable. I find myself a little fragile from being judged myself but still willing to ponder how this vital lesson has been brushed over.
In debriefing to my partner he said that people who judge are acting in the same mentality as if they were still in high school and simply haven't moved forward.  Though I acknowledge this is true and I heard his message – that some individuals have, in essence, have not grown up; this statement which came from a genuinely supportive place only made me more frustrated.  Where does the responsibility lie?  If the parental education system fails, which I acknowledge occurs; does the thrust of responsibility not get thrown to the educational system?  If the foundations of such education are in place and individuals still choose to judge others who choose to live differently and not confirm to every norm in society where does this chain of responsibility lead?  Have I not joined this cycyle of judging now too?

What is the end result?  Judges left judging?  Who is the jury?

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