Monday 4 June 2012

Philosophical Monday: Everything moves, nothing stays, and I shall not hold on.

Everything moves, nothing stays, and I shall not hold on.
Undoubtedly people change; probably as quickly as our views or more accurately, our judgments of people are made.  This point is not debatable.  What is, however, is whether individuals hold on to the movements of another.  Do we really sit and wish someone would never change?  For then life would be purely purposeless.  Rather, I believe we sit in a confused state trying to understand the forces that brought about such movement. 

Of course the experiences of today affect the person we will be tomorrow and I am in no way trying to suggest that I have never changed for the better and indeed for the worse.  This is the very course of life.  Yet if this is true; that life is a continuing journey where we are changing with the events of the winding road in front of us, then how can we say that we ever know a person.  How can we know ourselves?  When you are with someone you are with them in all the goodness that light projects and all the good that God has in that divine moment.  You believe that you know them in and out, every freckle on their body every scar on their heart and indeed every thing that makes them the person that you love so much.  But if life is a continuing journey of change than one must wonder how two people can be married for 50 years and how friendships can span decades.  You would have changed tenfold in this time and yet your lives and your relationships are parallel. 

Are we just accepting of the way some people change and not of others?  This is not fair.  Is it that we do not like the changes that have occurred in that persons being?  There has to be different ways of changing.  This is what I have learnt to be true.  There is the change of the journey.  The change that life brings to us.  Your are in essence the same person with the same direction and the same morals and yet certain experiences have added to your character.  This is change.  Then there is moral change.  Where one moment you are in complete love and acceptance of an individual and the next you look at them in a different light, neither positive nor negative – yet you reach for your sunglasses hiding from their glare.  The essence, spirit, life verve of that person seems to be someone new and perhaps not so intriguing to you anymore.  Moral change is the cause of fights – of immediate separation of best friends – divorce.  I don’t like this change; for no other reason than the experiences that the moral change of the people around me have brought to my life.  Circumstantial change of my winding road. 

After all the journey's changing course and the moral changing can it be really said that one holds on to the yesterday?  Are we not just lost animals trying to muddle through the change that God has emplaced in our journey and try to comprehend in some light not why people change but what change has taken place.  Maybe this question has an answer.  Maybe there is no answer.  But to all the superficial individuals too concerned with accusations of ‘holding on’ to something or someone I pose this question.  Do you ever sit in deep thought of something meaningful and wonder exactly what change has occurred and why it occurred for that person in at that time?  For this is the question that soulful individuals are trying to answer- they are not just ‘holding on’!

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