Monday 2 April 2012

Philosophical Monday: Forgiveness

Forgive and live a lifestyle of forgiveness.  This is yet another truth spoken to us from a young age.  As our journey progresses throughout the ages, we are taught to forgive a primary school friend who steals your toy; forgive 'that' high school bully for the snide comment; forgive the friend who's eyes are fully of envy; and forgive the work colleague prepared to compromise their morals for a specific outcome.  The act of forgiving is one that seems endless and sometimes onorous.  A constant cycle, moving in circles.

Forgiveness for me is defined as an act of faith.  Yet, at times, I still struggle to have this faith in order to complete this act.  It is during these times that I contemplate the complexities of forgiveness.  Is it that even when the lesson is known, our hearts struggle to enact this offering?  Have you too felt your mind forever arguing in your defense over a situation even when your heart is telling you to let go?  The real faith lies in the unconditional command to forgive without hesitation.  Therein for me lies the struggle.

What does forgivemess mean for you? 

Forgiveness is a belief, a moral, an attitude.  A characteristic that I hold in high regard.  Forgiveness is dignity.  It is a heavenly standard that has the power to work miracles.  It allows us to remove the bondage of our present world into the next.  Free's our soul and brings forth inner peace.  If we find the courage to turn off the senseless arguing in our own minds and take a step of obedience through faith we will find forgiveness.  Your life will becoming emazingly sweeter.

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