Sunday 8 July 2012

Philosophical Monday: What makes the world go round?

Love; apparently makes the world go round.  Or does it make the world stop?  In times of trouble and turmoil love provides the fuel to keep going, the energy of tomorrow.  Yet is love the very cause of such turmoil?  I have loved, and I have been loved, I love and yet– I have also experienced the heartache that is associated with love.  And it is this; the heartache that summons everything of a person and brings about questioning of everything that we are as people that characterizes love.  If it is true that love is the warmth and the sprit of today, then why is the pain of yesterday still parallel to so many people's souls, and indeed the thousands of pieces of their hearts?  

Is the pain that so many of us experience the real love?  Forget the expressions of love, the very act of love making, and indeed everything that makes you all that happier.  Is the real love the rejection?  The humiliation?  The denial?  The tension?  The smiles at a distance?  And the distance itself?  I can’t help but wonder – why can we not see through all of the brightness to the verve of what makes the world truly go round?  

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