Monday 23 July 2012

Philosophical Monday: Communal Aspirations

I believe that people the world over long for community. While this assertion is just about impossible to test, a number of indicators can confirm this to be true. Social alienation seems to me widespread-with large numbers of people dissatisfied with the prevailing way the world is organized. Individuals may have radically different visions of an ideal world, which in my view is positive; but I also believe that many see lack of community as a cause of much of the restlessness and anomie we see all around us.

The kinds of community that can bring meaning into life vary tremendously. Your workplace, family, supporting team, circle of friends, knitting club (for those so inclined), the gym and cyber space. Somehow I have found joy in riding over 1000kms in three weeks (3100kms in our team), and the joy has definitely not been in the riding alone. The joy I have found is in the companionship of my team mates who I can talk to at 5am saying how sore my legs are or the smile I have on my face when I receive an email of funny cycle pictures that have been personalized with commentary (and I laugh at the kindness of putting my cycle girl in pink as pictured above). Even crazy blogs like this one aim to unite individuals and join commonalities by bringing joy into your life. Regardless of what communities you are apart of; it is this sense of unity and belonging that brings fulfilment into lives.

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